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Hasami-yaki Exhibition
18/12/2020 - 10/01/2021

Hasami-yaki Exhibition


Curated by Yves Lee

A Journey to understand its history.

Located next to well-known pottery town Arita in Saga Prefecture, Hasami is another famous pottery town within Nagasaki Prefecture. Hasami-yaki (Hasami pottery) is mass produced by division of labour, made out of clay from Amakusa peninsula in Kumamoto prefecture. Within the industry in Hasami, generations of people are employed, some craftsmen specialises in producing plaster moulds, and others in greenware where Hasami-yaki are fired in professional gas kilns.

Wandering around Hasami, one will encounter common scenarios around town; the smell of soil, old chimneys and semi-finished pottery. In recent years, Hasami-yaki has collaborated with multiple design shops and designers aiming to expand its outstanding and functional modern designs for younger consumers.

Began during the Edo period (1603 - 1867), Hasami-yaki started with glazed ceramics then followed by mass producing blue-and-white ceramics. Their production was almost the highest in Japan in the late Edo years. Despite the fact that it has over 400 years of history, Hasami-yaki has only become more widely known in the last two decades. Since 2000, Hasami-yaki had to face the issue of being falsely labeled as Arita-yaki (Arita pottery). In order for us to enjoy the current Hasami-yaki that consists of both their traditional techniques and modern designs, kiln factories, workshops and the local government have been collaborating in order to relaunch Hasami-yaki to the world.

Pottery from Arita, Shigaraki and Mino are well-known for their own characteristics, whereas Hasami-yaki are known for being typical. In reality, Hasami-yaki produced now is being created with many modern and creative ideas, integration of retro and contemporary.

Hasami-yaki is famous for its Kurawanka bowl, Konpura bottle and Warenikka tableware. Ceramics were expensive during the Edo period, but Kurawana bowls were sold to the public at an affordable price. Alas, the origin to its name was because Kurawana bowls were mainly used as rice tea bowls or rice wine tea bowls. Konpura bottles were produced from the late Edo period for the Dutch to export alcohol and soy sauce overseas. In 1878, Warenikka tableware were produced for school use, it is well known for its durability. Even now, many schools and hospitals are still making use of these durable ceramics ware. As the third largest tableware site in Japan, currently Hasami is also the largest kiln production site within the Nagasaki Prefecture.

After decades of hard work, Hasami is now widely known as a famous pottery and ceramics production site. As designers collaborates with Hasami-yaki to explore new designs, they began to receive an increasing number of orders from abroad. Hasami-yaki has experienced generation of changes, allowing its user to experience its underlying value in being ‘ever changing’.

Many people visit Hasami in order to experience 400 years worth of history and culture. Aiming to support Hasami-yaki and Hasami tourism, local hostels, cafes, restaurants and workshops have prepared all kinds of experiences for their travellers to fulfil their intercultural adventure.

Visit Hasami as your next travel destination! You will experience a town where its environment is immersed in pottery and ceramics, there you will be charmed by its culture, environment and most importantly its history in ceramics.

A piece is Hasami-yaki is enough to enlighten your table for all occasions.

波佐見燒是在長崎縣波佐見町製造的陶磁器。波佐見町毗鄰是以陶器馳名的有田燒產地· 佐賀縣有田町。用作原料的粘土是來自於有田燒,熊本縣天草半島的陶石。由於波佐見燒多作大量生產,器物製造以分工制度為主:分別有以器物形態使用模具製作;製造器物原型“石膏模“的職人;使用模具製造”生坯”的職人;還有燒製生坯的”窰場”,擁有各種專業的職人共同製成一件作品。因此,當地有很多從事與陶磁器有關的工作者。

土壤的氣味,長年使用的煙囪,在小巷擺放等待乾燥的陶磁器。 在鎮上的風景和氛圍中可以看著這些景象,只是散散步也令人愉快。






在波佐見燒中有名的是飯茶碗(Kurawanka碗)“、“掮客瓶 (Konpura 瓶)”和食器Warenikka。江戸時代製造的飯茶碗是在叫賣<餅飯茶碗、酒飯茶碗>的同時售賣,這正是名稱的由來。當時,磁器被認定是高價品,飯茶碗設計簡樸,以庶民能負擔的價格出售,成為令磁器推廣至一般市民的機緣。波佐見現在也是長崎縣最大的窰業產地,日用和食器的出貨額堪稱全國第三位。掮客瓶是幕末時代,由荷蘭人用作醬油容器向波佐見職人訂製而開始,為酒和醬油輸出海外而製造。食器Warenikka是在1878年,作為供學校給食使用,不易破裂的食器而誕生,也被稱為是強化磁器之本。到現在,即使是全國各地學校與病院也逐漸被使用。

現在・今後的波佐見燒 經過這十多年的努力,波佐見在現在作為著名陶磁器產地已廣泛被認識。在波佐見燒的生產現場,設計商店跟室內造型師合作進行新嘗試,陸續收到海外的訂貨。波佐見燒率先解讀時代變化,讓人感受到它在創造「今後的器物」的價值觀。


波佐見町是一個讓您能一面感受到整個城鎮都與陶磁器共生, 一面可以發現波佐見燒新魅力的地方。尋覓器物,找尋陶磁器的魅力,下次就來個波佐見燒巡遊之旅吧!


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